Can We Embrace Change & Freshening Up Our Skills?

Discover the importance of freshening up skills and marketing efforts in an evolving industry. Learn how we are adapting post-COVID and embracing AI.

The world as we knewit is evolving at lightning speed, especially since the onset of the COVID-19pandemic and the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence. These shiftshave affected industries globally, prompting a need for professionals to reassessand enhance their skills and marketing strategies. This phase of life seems tobe marked by continuous change for us and for many in not just our professionallives, but also our personal ones. We’re finding it crucial not only to adaptbut to try and joyfully embrace new ways of working to stay relevant andsuccessful.

The New Normal: Why Freshening Up Skills is Essential

Adapting to Post-COVID Industry Changes

The COVID-19 pandemichas fundamentally altered the landscape of many industries. Remote work,economic anomalies, and major shifts in consumer behavior have created a newnormal that demands fresh skills and innovative approaches. Professionals mustnow navigate this complex environment with agility and resilience.

The Impact of AI on Skills and Marketing

Artificialintelligence has emerged as a powerful force, transforming how businessesoperate and engage with customers. AI-driven tools and platforms offerunprecedented opportunities for efficiency and personalisation, but they alsorequire a new set of competencies. Staying updated with AI advancements is notjust beneficial; it is imperative for maintaining a competitive edge. How doesthat quote go… “It’s not AI that’ll take your job, it’s someone using AI thatwill’. 

Overcoming Fear and Embracing Innovation

Addressing the Fear of Change

Change can bedaunting, and the rapid pace of technological advancements often exacerbatesthis fear. Many individuals in our inner circle feel intimidated by theprospect of having to learn new skills or adapt to unfamiliar tools. However,it is important to recognise that fear can be a significant barrier to growthand creativity.

Turning Fear into Motivation

Instead of allowingfear to stifle progress, it can be harnessed as a source of motivation andinspiration, giving you a ‘good kick up the bum’. Embracing change with apositive mindset can lead to new opportunities for innovation and improvement.We’re attempting to view these challenges as a chance to expand our horizonsand explore new ways of working. This was always my grandmother's mindset,possibly the Irish spirit in her, but she would always tell me as a young girl‘One needs to stay jiggled’. This approach had a big impact on my career andlife, as it inspired me to travel and to focus on personal growth, and wheneverI became stagnant, to push one of my walls down and peer out to see what wasbehind it. 

The Power of Continuous Learning

Continuouslearning ensures that we remain adaptable and capable of meeting new demands.Whether through formal education, online courses, or self-directed study. Theproliferation of online learning platforms has made it easier than ever toacquire new skills. Websites like Coursera, Udemy,and LinkedInLearning offer a wide range of courses tailored tovarious industries and skill levels. By taking advantage of these resources, wecan all enhance our expertise and hopefully keep our minds fresh. This becameincreasingly important to me after I had my children, not only did time becomea rare and precious commodity, but when I did find those spare moments I wasexhausted and felt completely void of an attention span or space to shoveanything new in. So what did I do? I started small, initially, I started usingmeditation apps like Headspace, and moved on to building micro-learning apps like Blinkist into my daily habits. I still have my good days, and bad days but,that is life. Both myself and my partner Chris/Vinny commit to dedicating atleast 20 minutes a day to upskilling, in whichever subject or tool we areinterested in. 20 minutes might not seem like much, but the impact it has hadon our lives both professionally and emotionally has been remarkablytransformative. 

Original NBS Image

Firefly &Photoshop & Senior Creative Chris / Vinny Vincent

Freshening Up Marketing Efforts

Reevaluating Marketing Strategies Post-COVID

Marketingstrategies that were effective pre-pandemic may no longer resonate with today'saudience. Consumer behaviors and preferences have shifted, necessitating areevaluation of marketing efforts. Many of the businesses we work with areadapting their strategies to align with the current landscape and effectivelyreach their target audiences. I mean, look at us, after 7 glorious years of NOTBADTSUDIO, even we’re finally getting around to writing a few blogs and slowlytrickling ourselves onto social media platforms. 

Exploring New Avenues and Opportunities

Opening Up New Doors

Change often bringsabout new opportunities. The integration of AI and digital technologies hasopened up new avenues for innovation and creativity. Professionals shouldremain open to exploring these possibilities and leveraging them to theiradvantage. While the shift to remote work was significant during the height ofthe pandemic, recent trends indicate a resurgence in the preference forin-office collaboration. Many companies are now encouraging employees to returnto the office, preferring face-to-face interactions.

However,the tools and practices developed during the remote work era, such as virtualmeetings and digital collaboration platforms, continue to play a crucial role,especially for us at NOTBADSTUDIO. These tools not only enhancedour productivity but also supported our flexible working arrangements, helpingour teams and clients stay connected and efficient regardless of their physicallocation. We don’t want merely the right person for the job within a 5 mileradius of where we are, we want the right person for the job, and our clientshave come to expect this level of perfectionism too.   


The rapid changesbrought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and the advent of AI have created adynamic and challenging environment for us and for so many other people.However, these changes are also presenting exciting opportunities for growth,connections, and innovation. 

By freshening upskills and adapting marketing efforts, we believe, businesses and professionalscan navigate this seemingly worrisome landscape with confidence and dare I sayit, success. 


Sian & Vinny

Marketing Plug: If you’re looking to FRESHEN things up with yourbusiness or brand, or just want to take a look at how your sector's landscapes havechanged, then get in touch @notbadstudioco


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